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On June 25, 2019

It’s mid-1978, and Rod Stewart was, as he often was in those days, in the studio working on a new album with no finished songs, pulling together sessions for Blondes Have More Fun. As he says in his tremendously readable autobiography, Rod, he hardly ever went into the studio with anything ready in those days. He’d stand in front of his band, and they’d start working things out, and he’d start figuring out melodies to write over the top. Major labels had money to let iconic performers like Stewart hang out in the studio waiting for a spark in those days. The Stones had just hit with “Miss You,” their “disco” single, and Rod’s label wanted him to come up with something along those lines. Stewart loved Chic, so he was game. His band started making a song that split that difference, and eventually, Stewart wrote “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy?” It’s by a margin the most popular song Stewart ever recorded, a divisive single that you had to reckon with in 1978 and ’79.

There was only one problem: The melody line wasn’t Stewart’s. It was Jorge Ben’s.

在1972年,Jorge Ben 处于桑巴音乐的巅峰期,他的新专辑 Ben 大获成功。在巴西的桑巴圈内历经多年的打拼,将波萨诺瓦、桑巴与民谣音乐融合成独特的声音,他创作了一首名为“Taj Mahal”的歌曲,这也可以说是他最大的热门曲目。它的原始形式由原声吉他开头,随后加入了交响乐队,最终形成一首在中间三分之一时听起来像是一支乐队在失控的建筑起重机上演奏的曲子。

当 Ben 在1976年转向更加放克与R&B取向的声音时,他带来了“Taj Mahal”,提升了速度,并赋予这首歌曲无可磨灭的合声更强的律动。这成为第二张Ben专辑的核心,以此方式将他熟悉的粉丝带入未知的领域(了解更多关于África Brasil 的激进性 点击这里)。

在录制 Blondes Have More Fun 之前,Stewart 做了在70年代晚期无比出名的人们通常会做的事情:在狂欢节期间去里约狂欢,与可能是当时只有的两位比他更受欢迎的音乐人Freddie Mercury和Elton John一起度过。重制版的“Taj Mahal”在他、Mercury 和 John 醉酒时,如Stewart在Rod中所写的那样,“无处不在”。这首歌深深植入Stewart的腦海中,以至于当他站在麦克风前,试图为他的“迪斯科歌曲”写旋律时,旋律竟然来自“Taj Mahal”。

将这视为直接抄袭是很诱人的,但如果我们相信Stewart的话——而我们为什么不呢?——这完全是无意识的,就像他在Rod中所说的。这和Keith Richards认为自己在录制Tattoo You时抄袭了一个他在电台听到的吉他独奏的事情类似,结果才意识到他实际上听到的是一首旧的滚石乐队的歌曲。关键是:这种事情是会发生的。影响和抄袭之间的界限是可变的且极其微薄。就Elton John而言,他并没有让Stewart逃脱他的无意识抄袭。观看他们之间这段令人印象深刻的有趣采访:

值得肯定的是,Stewart几乎立即承认抄袭了Ben的旋律。“Jorge Ben最终指出了合唱旋律与他1972年的一首歌‘Taj Mahal’的相似性,”Stewart在Rod中写道。“也确实是抄袭。我立刻举手承认。并不是说我在录音室里说,‘我知道,我们就用“Taj Mahal”的旋律作为合唱就好了,反正作者在巴西,他肯定无法发现。’[...]旋律早已在我的记忆中驻留,当我试图找到一个适合和弦的旋律时,它又浮现了出来……我把版税交上了。”

和解是在法庭外达成的,显然所有的版税最终作为对UNICEF的捐款转交给了Ben和Stewart。Ben会成为“世界音乐”界最大明星之一,而Stewart则继续成为Rod Stewart。

从我看来,这个故事有几个道德启示:首先,不要在录音室里写歌,特别是在和Elton John以及Freddie Mercury一起度过一段醉酒时光之后。第二点:“Taj Mahal”是经典。

Profile Picture of Andrew Winistorfer
Andrew Winistorfer

Andrew Winistorfer is Senior Director of Music and Editorial at Vinyl Me, Please, and a writer and editor of their books, 100 Albums You Need in Your Collection and The Best Record Stores in the United States. He’s written Listening Notes for more than 30 VMP releases, co-produced multiple VMP Anthologies, and executive produced the VMP Anthologies The Story of Vanguard, The Story of Willie Nelson, Miles Davis: The Electric Years and The Story of Waylon Jennings. He lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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