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On June 25, 2019

It’s mid-1978, and Rod Stewart was, as he often was in those days, in the studio working on a new album with no finished songs, pulling together sessions for Blondes Have More Fun. As he says in his tremendously readable autobiography, Rod, he hardly ever went into the studio with anything ready in those days. He’d stand in front of his band, and they’d start working things out, and he’d start figuring out melodies to write over the top. Major labels had money to let iconic performers like Stewart hang out in the studio waiting for a spark in those days. The Stones had just hit with “Miss You,” their “disco” single, and Rod’s label wanted him to come up with something along those lines. Stewart loved Chic, so he was game. His band started making a song that split that difference, and eventually, Stewart wrote “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy?” It’s by a margin the most popular song Stewart ever recorded, a divisive single that you had to reckon with in 1978 and ’79.

There was only one problem: The melody line wasn’t Stewart’s. It was Jorge Ben’s.

在1972年,豪爾赫·本(Jorge Ben)登上了桑巴音樂的頂峰,他的新專輯《Ben》大獲成功。經過多年在巴西的桑巴圈內工作,將波薩諾瓦(bossa nova)、桑巴和民間音樂融合成他獨特的風格後,他創作了一首名為《Taj Mahal》的歌曲,這或許是他最大的一首熱門歌。原始版本開始於原聲吉他,並加入了管弦樂團,整首歌在中段聽起來像是一支樂隊在一個失控的施工吊車中演奏。

當本在1976年轉向更加放克和節奏藍調的風格製作《África Brasil》時,他將《Taj Mahal》一起帶了過去,提高了BPM,賦予這首歌無法磨滅的合唱裝飾,增添了一種更加律動的感覺。這首歌成為了第二張本專輯的核心,讓他的熟悉歌迷一起進入未知的領域(了解更多關於這張激進的《África Brasil》,請點擊這裡)。

在他進入錄音棚製作《Blondes Have More Fun》之前,斯圖爾特(Stewart)做了70年代末期名人們經常做的事:他在嘉年華期間在里約熱內盧大熬了一晚上,並且可能是當時僅有的兩位比他更受歡迎的音樂人,佛萊迪·墨丘利(Freddie Mercury)和艾爾頓·約翰(Elton John),一起度過了那個夜晚。重新構成的《Taj Mahal》用斯圖爾特在《Rod》一書中所說的“無所不在”,在他們三人醉倒的時候這首歌總是潛入斯圖爾特的大腦深處,當他站在麥克風前試圖為他的“迪斯科歌”創作旋律時,這首歌的旋律脫口而出。

這很容易被描繪成直接的剽竊,但如果我們相信斯圖爾特的話——為什麼不呢?——這完全是無意的,正如他在《Rod》中所說的。這與基斯·理查茲(Keith Richards)以為自己在錄製《Tattoo You》時從收音機中聽到的歌曲中剽竊了一個吉他獨奏一樣,後來才意識到其實他聽到的是一首老的滾石歌曲。重點是:這是會發生的。影響和剽竊之間的界線是模糊且細微的。艾爾頓·約翰並未讓斯圖爾特逍遙法外。觀看這段兩人之間極其刻薄的訪談:

斯圖爾特值得讚賞的是,他幾乎立即承認了剽竊本的旋律。“豪爾赫·本最終指出合唱的旋律與他1972年的一首名為《Taj Mahal》的歌曲相似,”斯圖爾特在《Rod》中寫道。“這話沒錯。我立刻舉手承認。不是說我站在錄音棚裡說,‘聽著,我知道,我們要用《Taj Mahal》的旋律作為合唱部分就行了。作曲的人住在巴西,他永遠不會發現’[...]旋律在我的記憶中留了下來,然後在我試圖為和弦找到旋律時又浮現出來……我把版稅都交了出去。”


從我的角度來看,這個故事有幾個教訓:首先,不要在錄音棚裡寫歌,特別是在與艾爾頓·約翰和佛萊迪·墨丘利鬼混之後。其次:《Taj Mahal》真的很棒。

Profile Picture of Andrew Winistorfer
Andrew Winistorfer

Andrew Winistorfer is Senior Director of Music and Editorial at Vinyl Me, Please, and a writer and editor of their books, 100 Albums You Need in Your Collection and The Best Record Stores in the United States. He’s written Listening Notes for more than 30 VMP releases, co-produced multiple VMP Anthologies, and executive produced the VMP Anthologies The Story of Vanguard, The Story of Willie Nelson, Miles Davis: The Electric Years and The Story of Waylon Jennings. He lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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