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VMP 文集 18,韦伦·詹宁斯的故事,是一个限量版黑胶唱片盒装,包含韦伦在乡村音乐宇宙顶峰时期的八张专辑。

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Waylon had more lives than a cardboard box of Cheshires, and when he left his vessel in 2002, something else died with him: that sense of rebellious possibility. As long as Waylon was here, country music — and the music world, writ large — had that sense of danger, of myth, and had someone who would run into the burning building. Waylon has certainly inspired many, many country musicians over the years in their sound — he more or less perfected country-rock from the opposite side of the divide that the Eagles and Gram Parsons were on — but he lives on today as a spiritual influence as much as a musical one. Every time some young punk from the sticks picks up a guitar and says fuck being polite, Waylon smiles somewhere. Every time someone flips a middle finger to what is expected of them, or stays up for three days straight chasing infinity, Waylon Jennings is there, clapping them on the back.
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Andrew Winistorfer, VMP Senior Director of Music and Editorial, and The Story of Waylon Jennings executive producer

Get The Whole Story…

VMP Anthology goes beyond the eight albums included in your box. Alongside your box and the albums within it, we provide in-depth, original Listening Notes and a digestible multi-episode podcast to serve as your definitive guide though these records. VMP Anthology isn’t just a box set that’s supposed to gather dust on your shelves — it’s an immersive and transformative story that comes alive for you to spend weeks (or longer!) inside of. We can’t wait for you to dive deeper into Waylon Jennings’ history and the albums in this box.

What's Included

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Waylon Jennings的故事执行制片人、VMP音乐与编辑高级总监安德鲁·温尼斯托费主持,本季VMP专辑播客专注于探索Waylon的职业生涯,以及他为艺术自由而斗争如何为各类艺术家打开大门。
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这个盒子中的八张专辑均由Ryan Smith在Sterling Sound进行1:1磁带传输的AAA母带后期制作。盒子内的8张LP均为180克彩色乙烯基,由GZ印刷,首版限量为1,000台。这些专辑多年来未曾重新发布AAA——在某些情况下甚至从未发布过——并忠实再现了其贴合外包装的无涂层背板设计。
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这些唱片由VMP的Clay Conder在内部设计,装在一个原始盒子中,灵感来源于经典的逃亡者时代专辑封面的美学。



VMP 选集是重新定义的黑胶唱片盒子。它旨在通过音乐讲述一个故事,并在这个过程中提供大量的聆听、学习和对话空间。
VMP 始于 2013 年的每月唱片俱乐部。今天它有 5 个订阅轨道(必备、经典、嘻哈、乡村、摇滚 —— 未来还会增加更多)以及与 Dolly Parton 的第一个限量订阅。VMP 还有一个在线唱片商店和杂志。
美国境内运费免费,国际运费为 30 美元。唱片将以一次发货的方式发送。
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The Story of Waylon Jennings




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