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On March 15, 2017

With roots dating back to the mid-1970s, pop punk has cracked its own mold as a rock subgenre between catchy lyrics, energized breakdowns and upbeat chord progressions. However, during the 00s, the genre entered the mainstream with music videos on MTV, rankings on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart and even photo shoots for major magazines.

This decade birthed some acts that now define the genre. Over the years mentioned, we can also compare the different sounds between traditional rock beats, such as adding electro-pop synthesizers and utilizing powerful breakdowns. There’s also a more literary component compared to punk lyrics, which makes pop-punk similar to emo, but not quite. With these introductory hit records, we can understand how prominent bands like Brand New, Fall Out Boy and Panic At the Disco have developed and evolved since.

The records below provide a quick introduction, but not at all an exhaustive list, to what pop punk sounded like at the turn of the millennium.

Say Anything - ...Is a Real Boy

难以相信...Is a Real Boy是完全由一个人完成的,但确实如此。主唱Max Bemis全程负责了乐器的编排和歌唱的进展。他甚至为此退学去录制这张专辑。尽管该专辑2004年发行,然而其中的两首主要单曲“Alive With the Glory of Love”和“Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too”直到2007年才被送到电台播放。尽管有延迟,Say Anything很快凭借这张专辑在该类型音乐中广为人知。

Paramore - Riot!

Riot!发布前,Paramore已经在Pete Wentz的Fueled By Ramen唱片公司旗下了。然而,经典的“Misery Business”使得这支乐队家喻户晓。主唱Hayley Williams解释说,专辑标题源于乐队在创作过程中集体经历的各种情感爆发。结果,每首歌曲都有不同的情绪。“Misery Business”通过高中坏女孩的形象来探讨嫉妒。“Hallelujah”宣扬幸福及迫切想抓住它的愿望。“Crushcrushcrush”讲的是两个人想要为对方做更多,但却什么都没做。“That’s What You Get”探讨了过快或经常凭情感行事的感受。

Motion City Soundtrack - Commit To This Memory

与当前的政治气候相反,“Let’s Get Fucked Up and Die”是在2005年发布的,而不是2016年。这首歌讨论了主唱Justin Pierre的酒瘾,Noisey报道中提到他甚至在创作期间参加了AA会议,但这并不是唯一一首关于心理健康的歌曲。该乐队的标志性歌曲“Everything Is Alright”的音乐视频展现了Pierre在一个治疗预约中的场景——坐在候诊室,在治疗师的椅子上躺着,讨论药物。歌词“I'm sick of the things I do when I'm nervous/Like cleaning the oven or checking my tires/Or counting the number of tiles in the ceiling..”描述了强迫症的症状。

Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American

与之前的作品相比,乐队的第四张专辑的歌词更具垃圾摇滚和朋克风格。他们的代表作“The Middle”充满救赎和鼓舞:“Don't write yourself off yet / It's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on.” 那是因为乐队被Capitol Records解约后,又重新签约了一个较小的唱片公司。此外,9/11事件后的文化氛围也促使他们将专辑的原名从Bleed American改为Jimmy Eat World。此外,歌曲“Bleed American”也被改名为“Salt Sweat Sugar”。

The Wonder Years - Suburbia, I’ve Given You All and I’ve Got Nothing

该乐队的第三张全长度专辑展示了主唱Dan “Soupy” Campbell内心的词人天赋。灵感来源于Allen Ginsberg的“America,” Soupy在“I’ve Give You All”和“And Now I’m Nothing”中设想自己是现代版本的Beatnik诗人,从柔和的原声切换到粗糙的声音层次。与Upsides相比,歌词明显增加了新的情感层次。许多流行朋克乐迷知道这张专辑是因为其中情感宣泄的歌曲“Woke Up Older,” “Came Out Swinging,” “Local Man Ruins Everything”和“Don’t Let Me Cave In。”

Fall Out Boy - From Under the Cork Tree

Fall Out Boy的第二张专辑中的歌曲全部由贝斯手Pete Wentz创作,包括“Sugar We’re Goin’ Down”和“Dance, Dance”。这并非完全是巧合。对于Wentz来说,这张专辑是救赎的标志。在录制Under the Cork Tree期间,Wentz突然但必要地请了假。他因一次严重的分手而陷入了深深的焦虑和抑郁,甚至企图自杀。他很快恢复并重新投入录制,但我们可以听到他的痛苦。在“Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner”中,主唱Patrick Stump哼唱道:“Drink down that gin and kerosene / And come spit on bridges with me just to keep us warm / Then light a match to leave me be.” 在“XO”中,歌手引用了“Love never wanted me, but I took it anyway / Put your ear to the speaker and choose love or sympathy / But never both, love never wanted me.”

Panic! At the Disco - A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out

在他们还使用感叹号的时候,很多人通过在线演示,尤其是在MySpace上认识了Panic! At the Disco。他们因此吸引了Pete Wentz的注意,并被后者签约至他的唱片公司。首张专辑分为两个截然不同的部分,由一首“Intermission”曲目区分。第一部分突出电音情感和舞曲合成器旋律,如“Time to Dance”和“Lying Is Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off”所展示的。第二部分则引入了更传统的乐器,如管风琴和手风琴,如“But It’s Better If You Do”和排行榜榜首的“I Write Sins, Not Tragedies”所展示的那样。

Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends

Taking Back Sunday的历史在他们推出首张专辑前就开始了,因为Jesse Lacey在1999年就成立了这支乐队。在吉他手John Nolan与Lacey的女朋友勾搭后,Lacey离开了乐队并成立了Brand New。这导致了Nolan招募Adam Lazzara,随后在主唱之间诞生了持久的竞争关系。在和Lazzara一起巡回演出几个月后,乐队在租用的公寓里写并录制了五首歌曲的Demo。同年,Victory Records招募他们录制Tell All Your Friends

歌迷们庆祝这样的经典作品如“You’re So Last Summer”和“Cute Without the ‘E’ (Cut From the Team)” 特别是在“There’s No ‘I’ in Team”中,类似“Take the time to talk about it / Think a lot and live without it / Don't believe me when I tell you / It’s something unforgivable”的歌词则讽刺了Nolan的前女友。当然,Lazzara并未直接参与此事,但这并不意味着他不会添油加醋。

Brand New - Your Favorite Weapon

每个Brand New的歌迷都承认Your Favorite Weapon是理解该乐队音乐发展和演变的关键。首张充满力量和和弦的专辑以Brand New的能量启动,充满机智和活力。受与TBS的Nolan竞争的启发,“Seventy Times Seven”讨论了渐逝的友谊而不掩饰其中的强烈情感。发布的唯一单曲“Jude Law and a Semester Abroad”讲述了让主唱迷上“Jude Law和英国风格”的前女友。

Blink-182 - Blink-182

由于Enema of the State在1999年发布,不在此榜单之列。然而,这张专辑为接下来的十年铺平了道路。在Enema of the State之后,他们2003年自题名的专辑进一步巩固了他们在流行朋克中的影响力。受80年代启发的“Always”采用了新波合成器,并同时使用了四种不同的贝斯。更有趣的是,Blink-182还采用了一种实验性的创作策略。吉他手Tom DeLonge和主唱/贝斯手Mark Hoppus分别独立写下了同一首歌曲的不同部分,然后将它们结合在一起。他们在经典的忧伤男孩叙事“Miss You”中使用了这种技术,歌曲中充满了对Tim Burton经典动画电影The Nightmare Before Christmas的引用。两人还分别在不同房间创作了“Feeling This”,但当然他们还是写了一首关于性的歌。

Profile Picture of Danielle Corcione
Danielle Corcione

Danielle Corcione is a freelance writer. To learn more about their work, visit their website and follow them on Twitter.

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