VMP Exclusive Pressing

VOL № RR014 — August 2024

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Taking Back Sunday
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For Taking Back Sunday, relationships were war. Those firefights with ex-friends and ex-lovers fueled the fury of Where You Want To Be, the band’s 2004 album. Crowds didn’t sing along to Taking Back Sunday; they screamed along, pointed fingers, and projected every ounce of hormonal angst in their teenage bodies along with the words Lazzara and Mascherino scream-sang. Even after the success of Tell All Your Friends, relationships remained battlegrounds for the band, and Where You Want To Be delivered marching song after marching song.

Rock history is littered with might-have-been’s, one-album wonders, creative differences, and bands that crumbled after one member’s departure. Where You Want To Be is the sound of a band defying the doubters. It’s the s...

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Tahun Rilis Asli
Jenis Rilis
33 1/3 putaran
Ukuran vinil
12 inch
180 gram
Ditempel Stempel Foil
White and Tan
Reverse Board; Double gatefold
Studio Mastering
AIR Mastering
Engine Mastering
Barry Grint
Lokasi Penekanan
GZ Vinyl
Rincian Remastering
Lacquers Cut by Barry Grint, AIR Mastering
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