VMP Exclusive Pressing
Essentials PICK

VOL № E70 — October 2018

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Townes Van Zandt
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Townes Van Zandt’s work, as far-reaching and as universal as it has become, begs for possessorship. It’s a love language understood by all who find it, yet one that remains acutely difficult to translate to those who haven’t.


No one understood this better than his earliest fans. It’s perhaps why his first studio album, For the Sake of the Song, remains a point of controversy among anyone who discovered Townes Van Zandt outside of these LP’s grooves. Townes Van Zandt the songwriter was the antithesis of bells and whistles, and so an album with such accoutrements, as this album has in spades, rings false — however unfairly — among purists. Taken in context, though, For the Sake of the Song is a gorgeous study in polarity. Each anchor is an artist from wildly differen...

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Fat Possum
Tahun Rilis Asli
Jenis Rilis
1 LP
33 1/3 rpm
Ukuran vinil
12 inci
Ditempel Stempel Foil
Midnight Blue
Tip-On; Single
Studio Mastering
Chicago Mastering
Engine Mastering
Jason Ward
Lokasi Penekanan
Rincian Remastering
Exclusive liner notes booklet, 12x12 art print
Join The Club Background Image
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