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VMP Exclusive Pressing
Essentials PICK

VOL n° E124— avril 2023

Why you'll love it...

This is an album where things linger. It is an album of smells: cannabis exhaled in a hot car, grocery store incense, wet dog, coconut sunscreen, spilled orange juice, coagulated beer, ball sweat. Things don’t dissipate on Sublime. They build, they hang around, they don’t draw much attention to themselves until, suddenly, you can’t not notice them. You can hear it in “Garden Grove,” in the way those hazy dawn-orange synths keep the singer’s soul uneasy. It’s in the patched-together layers of “What I Got,” how the lo-fi texture of the drumbeat puts a membrane between it and the pristine guitar. It’s in the dysphoria of voices that swirl through “Under My Voodoo” and — most obviously — in the nervous tone of the Long Beach PD scanner in “April 29, 1992 (Miami).”

Those moments a...

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Original Release Year
Release Type
2 LP
33 1/3 tr/min
Vinyl Size
12 inch
Foil Stamped
Mastering Studio
Sterling Sound
Mastering Engineer
Ryan Smith
Pressing Location
Furnace Record Pressing
Remastering Details
Laques réalisées par Ryan Smith, Sterling Sound
Livret de Notes d'Écoute par Marty Sartini Garner, Impression Artistique de Opie Ortiz
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