VOL № RH17 — 2019年1月
400 Degreez
COMING SOON: 400 Degreez by Juvenile will be the 2019年1月 Hip-Hop Record of the Month. You're on the interest list and will be notified when it becomes available. Sign up to be notified by email when this album launches.
LP 1 / Side A
1 \簡介(大富翁)\ \\ |
2 \哈\ \\ |
3 \跟我一起去\ \\ |
4 \炫耀季節\ \\ |
LP 1 / Side B
1 貧民區孩子 |
2 現在跟著我 |
3 現金音樂會 |
4 歡迎來到諾利亞 |
5 U.P.T |
LP 2 / Side C
1 \為此而跑\ \\ |
2 \哈 - 混音版 (熱男孩)\ \\ |
3 \有錢人\ \\ |
4 \把屁股向後甩\ \\ |
LP 2 / Side D
1 \在頂端\ \\ |
2 \現金樂團音樂會後\ \\ |
3 \400度\ \\ |
4 \青少年如火如荼\ \\ |
5 \ha - 混音版(Jay-Z)\ \\ |