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VMP Anthology 18,Waylon Jennings的故事,是一套限量版黑膠唱片盒裝,包含了Waylon在其巔峰時期發行的八張專輯,當時他在鄉村音樂界的地位無可匹敵。

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Waylon had more lives than a cardboard box of Cheshires, and when he left his vessel in 2002, something else died with him: that sense of rebellious possibility. As long as Waylon was here, country music — and the music world, writ large — had that sense of danger, of myth, and had someone who would run into the burning building. Waylon has certainly inspired many, many country musicians over the years in their sound — he more or less perfected country-rock from the opposite side of the divide that the Eagles and Gram Parsons were on — but he lives on today as a spiritual influence as much as a musical one. Every time some young punk from the sticks picks up a guitar and says fuck being polite, Waylon smiles somewhere. Every time someone flips a middle finger to what is expected of them, or stays up for three days straight chasing infinity, Waylon Jennings is there, clapping them on the back.
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Andrew Winistorfer, VMP Senior Director of Music and Editorial, and The Story of Waylon Jennings executive producer

Get The Whole Story…

VMP Anthology goes beyond the eight albums included in your box. Alongside your box and the albums within it, we provide in-depth, original Listening Notes and a digestible multi-episode podcast to serve as your definitive guide though these records. VMP Anthology isn’t just a box set that’s supposed to gather dust on your shelves — it’s an immersive and transformative story that comes alive for you to spend weeks (or longer!) inside of. We can’t wait for you to dive deeper into Waylon Jennings’ history and the albums in this box.

What's Included

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Waylon Jennings的故事執行製片人及VMP音樂與編輯高級總監安德魯·溫尼斯托費主持,這季的VMP選輯播客專注於探索Waylon的職業生涯,以及他為藝術自由而奮鬥如何為各種風格的藝術家開闢新天地。
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這個盒子中的八張專輯均由Ryan Smith在Sterling Sound進行1:1磁帶傳輸的AAA母帶後期製作。盒子內的8張LP均為180克彩色乙烯基,由GZ印刷,首版限量為1,000台。這些專輯多年間未曾重新發行AAA——在某些情況下甚至從未發行過——並忠實再現了其貼合外包裝的未塗層背板設計。
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這些唱片由VMP的Clay Conder在內部設計,裝在一個原創盒子中,靈感來自於經典的亡命天涯年代專輯封面的美學。



VMP 選集是重新定義的黑膠唱片盒子。它旨在透過音樂講述一個故事,並在這個過程中提供大量的聆聽、學習和對話空間。
VMP 始於 2013 年的每月唱片俱樂部。今天它有 5 個訂閱軌道(必備、經典、嘻哈、鄉村、搖滾——未來還會有更多)以及與 Dolly Parton 的首個限量訂閱。VMP 還擁有一個在線唱片商店和雜誌。
美國境內運費免費,國際運費為 30 美元。唱片將以一次性發貨的方式發送。
我們為那些認識到每張專輯都有深刻故事可講的人創建了 VMP 選集。通過分解專輯,我們為您提供空間,真正聆聽和吸收每一段錄音,聽播客並深入體會。當然,這只是個建議!
不需要!我們建構 VMP 選集是讓所有粉絲更深入地體驗音樂,而不需要 VMP 會員資格。
可以,除了美國,還可以在 30 個國家發貨(查看所有常見問題以獲取更多詳細信息)。由於盒子的價值和承運商的限制,國際客戶需負責關稅和稅費。在運送到受增值稅(VAT)管控的國家時,收貨時也將需要支付這些稅。
Afterpay 是一種免息融資選項,允許您分四次每兩週(每兩週)付款,而不是一次性付款。如果您在結賬時選擇 Afterpay,您將被重定向到 Afterpay 網站創建帳戶並完成付款。只要您按時付款,便不會收取任何利息或費用。目前,Afterpay 僅對美國客戶開放。
要獲得會員價格,您必須是我們每月唱片訂閱的活躍 VMP 會員(並確保您已登錄)。

The Story of Waylon Jennings




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