In a short essay from 2001, influential electronic music composer Laurie Spiegel posed the question: “Can orchestral music and electronic sound comfortably coexist?” To the chagrin of any traditionalists who came across Spiegel’s article, and to the joy of her peers in the avant-garde community, she wrote yes. Computers and electronics can produce the sounds that an orchestra isn’t able to, while the orchestra gives the electronic artist an opportunity “to do music as part of a social framework instead of alone.”
以其传奇的合輯專輯擴展宇宙而聞名,該專輯最初於1980年發行,並在2012年重新發行,斯皮格爾在音樂上的產量卻不算多。但她最近為倫敦當代管弦樂團創作了一首名為“Only Night Thoughts”的作品,作為BBC電視音樂節目“聲音的先驅”中的一部分。雖然斯皮格爾的作品讓人想起擴展宇宙中閃爍的琶音合成器,但它並不包含現場電子音樂;“Only Night Thoughts”全是聲學樂器。然而,在同場演出的某個特定表演中,著名作曲家希瓦·費沙雷基伴隨樂團演出了一首長達40分鐘的作品,她的樂器是:轉盤。