這一不尋常的軌跡是由一系列意外事件所引發。儘管於1969年發布,First Take直至1972年才奪得流行和R&B排行榜的第一名。單曲「我第一次看到你的臉」因被納入電影Play Misty For Me而隨之爆炸。演員克林特·伊斯特伍德在開車時聽到這首歌,深受這首尚未被發現的珍品感動,立刻打電話給弗拉克,要求在他的導演處女作中使用這首歌。這首歌使弗拉克迅速成名,成為不僅是美國的熱門,更是國際的熱門。這對弗拉克的職業生涯和她的首張專輯而言都是好事,但卻掩蓋了Quiet Fire數月來逐漸上升的銷量和評論佳評。因此,Quiet Fire將是她唯一一張未能進入前40名的專輯。歷史就是這樣。然而,在許多粉絲眼中,這張被低估的Quiet Fire代表了她最佳的作品。
...H. Zahra Caldwell, M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Ethnic & Gender Studies Department. She is an historian, educator and cultural commentator who teaches in the fields of history and Black and Women's Studies. Her critical and academic work is focused on unpacking and expanding the definition of resistance within the long struggle for African American freedom, particularly as it relates to Black women and their cultural labors. She has published important work on cultural icons including Beyoncé, Prince and Hazel Scott.