Congratulations! Despite the odds, you’ve somehow overcome the possibility—at least temporarily—that you will drift through existence completely and utterly alone. I don’t mean this insincerely: being boo’d up is about the best thing that can happen to us as we rocket towards whatever end this rock has decided for us. So, after weeks, months or years of playing the “Are we going to stay at my house?” and “My roommate’s boyfriend is in town, let’s go to your place” game, you’re finally ready to commit to your partner, and to that decreased rent, and take the plunge by moving in together.
There are a lot of decisions to be made. Whose couch makes the move? Which person’s dishes get thrown into the dumpster? Do you buy new sheets, or do the sheets your mom bought for you when you were 18 make yet another move? Who buys the new shower liner? Is this plunger too gross to move?
But the most emotionally fraught is the existential question of what happens to your individual record collections? Does your collection become “Our records”? How do you organize your collection? Whose version of Let It Be do you keep?
Well, lucky for you, I’ve lived through these tough questions, and I am here to try to make this process as easy as possible for you. There’s no need to breakup with a partner—or worse, have a passive aggressive fight that lingers between you for months on end—over your record collection. Especially after you read this guide.
這是一個微妙的問題:當有人來訪時,你會說這是“我們”的唱片嗎?對你來說,讓別人知道是你擁有的 Lyle Lovett 的 Pontiac 首版的版權有多重要,而不是你的伴侶?你希望你的伴侶也讓你把他們的盜版 Yeezus 當作你的嗎?
這時像 Discogs 這樣的組織應用就派上用場了——稍後會詳細說明——它允許你在一個架子上合併唱片,因此成為“你的唱片”,但得益於 Discogs 應用中的資料夾功能,你和伴侶的唱片在數位空間中各自保留“我的唱片”。這是雙贏的局面。這也將幫助到問題 #5。
我已經在之前的文章中介紹了唱片組織的重要性——摘要:按照藝術家的姓氏字母順序排列,否則你就和 Ted Bundy 一樣糟糕——但理清你和你的伴侶計劃如何整理唱片非常重要。在我和我的伴侶同居但保持各自的收藏時,我分別按字母順序整理了她的收藏和我的收藏,因為想著她的唱片在我那個房間的另一邊完全凌亂,讓我起了疹子。
當我們把唱片合併到同一Ikea Kallaxes上時,我接管了我們共同收藏的整理工作,並使用 Discogs 應用,能精確告訴你我們各自擁有多少張唱片(我的伴侶擁有 200, 我有 1108),以及我們擁有多少張 Billy Joel 的 52nd Street(2 張)。下載 Discogs 應用;這是唯一值得使用的收藏應用。
當你與另一位喜愛黑膠的人同居時,你擁有一些相同唱片的可能性相當高。我和我的伴侶都在威斯康星州長大,所以我們都有多張 Doobie Brothers 的專輯,因為那幾位在 70 年代是中西部的低調 Beatles。
如果,天啊,我們分手,那麼我無法想像沒有我的 Minute by Minute. 唱片會怎麼辦。所以,我們在戀愛初期就做出了保存兩張的決定;如果你有空間放置它們,這是最順的辦法。
這是所有問題匯聚的地方:你需要一個退出策略。單純地將唱片合併而不考慮組織、重複或如何定義你的收藏,將導致你伴侶跑去把你的 Barter 6 拿走,因為他們“無論如何都聽得更多”,或者你不確定哪一張是你的 Beatles 精選集。為分手制定計畫——希望這不會發生——將讓你可以保留你的收藏,保持它的樣子及在此過程中伴侶好壞的成長。考慮如何將你的收藏再次分成兩個獨立的收藏是一個實用的步驟,將在未來省去麻煩。
但希望這對你來說不會是問題。你會與伴侶合併唱片,且不必再考慮問題五。你將走得更遠:在 50 年後把你的唱片收藏搬進護理之家與伴侶同住。祝你好運。
照片來源:Clay Conder
Andrew Winistorfer is Senior Director of Music and Editorial at Vinyl Me, Please, and a writer and editor of their books, 100 Albums You Need in Your Collection and The Best Record Stores in the United States. He’s written Listening Notes for more than 30 VMP releases, co-produced multiple VMP Anthologies, and executive produced the VMP Anthologies The Story of Vanguard, The Story of Willie Nelson, Miles Davis: The Electric Years and The Story of Waylon Jennings. He lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
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