In a short essay from 2001, influential electronic music composer Laurie Spiegel posed the question: “Can orchestral music and electronic sound comfortably coexist?” To the chagrin of any traditionalists who came across Spiegel’s article, and to the joy of her peers in the avant-garde community, she wrote yes. Computers and electronics can produce the sounds that an orchestra isn’t able to, while the orchestra gives the electronic artist an opportunity “to do music as part of a social framework instead of alone.”
以其传奇的合辑专辑扩展宇宙而闻名,该专辑最初于1980年发行,并在2012年重新发布,斯皮格尔在音乐上的产量却不多。但她最近为伦敦当代管弦乐团创作了一首名为“Only Night Thoughts”的作品,这是BBC电视音乐节目“声音的先驱”的一部分。虽然斯皮格尔的作品让人想起扩展宇宙中闪烁的琶音合成器,但它并不包含现场电子音乐;“Only Night Thoughts”完全是由声学乐器演奏。然而,在同场演出的一个特别表演中,著名作曲家希瓦·费沙雷基与乐团合作演出了一首长达40分钟的作品,她的乐器是:转盘。