Marshall McLuhan memorably coined the phrase “The Medium is the Message” in 1964 with his book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. What’s less remembered is that he dedicated a whole section of that landmark text to the ways he considers comic books, like television, to be a “cool” medium, which is to say that it requires more participation on the part of the consumer.
Think about it. You see two separate images, with some word bubbles tossed in there, and your brain fills in the events between them, connecting the sometimes very complex narrative across the great divide and directly involving you in the story. Artist Scott McCloud calls this “the very heart” of the medium.
Comics (graphic novels, if you’re nasty) are a more uniquely complex medium than most people give them credit for, and in the right hands they can convey way more than the superhero tights and capes stories you most immediately associate with them.
When it comes to adapting music biographies, America might be a little bit behind the times, since this list pulls from all over Europe more often than not. But as you’ll see, the entries here are an eclectic mix of stories about musicians from a wide range of genres and eras, with their stories being told by other talented artists at the top of their game, working all the angles on how comics books can get under the reader’s skin with a good story.
这份名单上唯一符合自传定义的条目,《句子:M.F.格林姆的生活》讲述了Percy Carey的故事,他更为人熟知的是MF Grimm。这部由罗纳德·温伯利采用典型超级英雄漫画风格绘制的作品,巧妙地描绘了凯里的生活。从他在曼哈顿上西区的童年开始,从第一人称视角快速记录了嘻哈的根源(还有意想不到的芝麻街幕后通行证),但事情在1994年发生转折,由于与毒品有关的袭击,他被打瘫痪。尽管MF Grimm没有他的朋友、合作者和曾经的室友MF DOOM那么出名,但他在纽约市的斗嘴说唱界是大人物,为盖芬和史诗唱片公司的说唱歌手代写过歌词。他为他的事业付出了超出想象的代价,这本优秀的书就能证明这一点。