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On August 29, 2017

If you decide to pass a slow moment by looking at a cartridge manufacturer’s website (and while you are free to judge me any way you see fit for doing this, your own browser history is likely to tell its own story of less than dynamic moments in your lives), you might notice something odd. Many companies will make what appears to be two (or sometimes even more) cartridges that are identical in every way except for the shape of the stylus—the tiny diamond that sits in the groove of the record and begins the process of turning that groove into an audio signal, and with that, the price being asked for them. These aren’t small price differences either. Changing the stylus profile can often nearly double the price of the cartridge.

So why are these differences so significant? The answer to this is—by the standards of vinyl anyway—pretty straightforward, but it makes the most sense with some context. First, what is the stylus? At the most basic level it is a piece of industrial diamond that has been shaped to a point and sits at the end of the cantilever—the object that transmits the signal it creates back to the cartridge. In essence, almost every cartridge (there are of course a tiny number of exceptions but they are sufficiently rare that we can ignore them for now) works on these principles. In very basic cartridges, the stylus attaches to the cantilever by means of a metal shank which slots into the end of the cantilever. This works well enough but increases the weight and mass of the assembly in the cartridge, which isn’t ideal. More sophisticated designs will use what is referred to as a “nude” stylus that affixes directly to the cantilever and reduces this mass.




在此之后,你可能会遇到的每个唱针都可以归类为“线接触”,但它们也可能有自己的特定名称。第一种此类设计之一出现在20世纪60年代后期,被称为“Shibata”型唱针,以其发明者JVC的柴田纪夫命名。Shibata——以及所有其他线接触派生物——所做的只是对椭圆唱针上的椭圆进行更细致的版本处理。除了Shibata,还有来自Microline、Vital、Gyger和Van den Hul的各种其他版本——但它们都采用了相同的原理,并稍微改变了形状,以解决设计者遇到的任何难题。



当然也有附带条件——是不是总有条件?第一个条件是,唱针剖面越复杂,制造成本越高。像Gyger和Van den Hul这样的剖面通常不会出现在低于600到800美元的型号中,即使是更常见的版本也比普通的圆锥形唱针剖面贵得多。由于唱头中还有其他成本变量,拥有高端唱针与同样高性能的唱头通常花费非常可观的金钱。



Profile Picture of Ed Selley
Ed Selley

Ed is a UK based journalist and consultant in the HiFi industry. He has an unhealthy obsession with nineties electronica and is skilled at removing plastic toys from speakers.

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