COMING SOON: +'Justments by Bill Withers will be the august 2021
Classics Record of the Month.
You're on the interest list and will be notified when it becomes available.Sign up to be notified
by email when this album launches.
Por qué te encantará...
I nærmere fire tiår har Bill Withers' album ''Justments'' vært skjult i fullt syn. Det var elsket og til og med ansett som et mesterverk av lyttere som visste, og for en viss type musikkfan er det et av de albumene som kan bekrefte at du er blant dine egne – de som våger seg forbi hitlistene; graverne og utgraverne. Men i 1974, da albumet ble utgitt, var den berømte singer-songwriteren fortsatt på høyden av sine krefter. Han var allerede Bill Withers, som hadde laget ''Ain't No Sunshine'', en prototype for sjelsgråt fra sin tid, og ''Grandma’s Hands'', en ode til matriarkal omsorg. Bill Withers, som skapte ''Lean On Me'', et monument til vennskap som er forankret i våre kulturelle fibre. Sangene hans var paradokser, bedragersk enkle i måten de belyste den indre menneskelige opplevelsen,...
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${ addonModal.track.replace('hop','-Hop') }
Your add-on subscription will begin with the following
${ _displayMonth('upcoming_1') }
${ addonModal.track.replace('hop','-Hop') }
Record of the Month (unless you choose to Swap) and you'll be charged $39 during the next
billing cycle on the 1st of the month. You will also be set to receive all future
${ addonModal.track.replace('hop','-Hop') }
Records of the Month (billed monthly at $39). You can remove this add-on anytime by
editing your tracks.
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Shipping begins in April. Sign up today to secure your spot on this once-in-a-lifetime musical
journey. Start your subscription with "${chargebee.selectedPlan.product.title}".
Start your subscription with "${chargebee.selectedPlan.product.title}".
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Available in Limited Engagements of 3, 6, or 12 month terms. Commit longer to save. This Limited
Subscription Track will end after 12 months and you will no longer be charged.
This Limited Subscription Track will end in March 2024 and you will no longer be charged. Commit
longer and save. Start with this month's Dolly Parton Record, with the option to include catch-up
records from the previous months upon signup.
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