For førti år siden, ble Def Jam Recordings grunnlagt i et studentrom på NYUs campus. Den ambisjonen fra studenter ville sende sjokkbølger gjennom musikkhistorien som fortsatt merkes og fortsatt når land. Den ville bidra til å bringe hip-hop fra en undergrunnsmusikk i NYC til den dominerende formen for popmusikk over hele verden.For å feire plateselskapets jubileum, har VMP inngått partnerskap med DJR om I Need a Beat: 40 Years of Def Jam Recordings, en 5-album, 9-LP bokssett som forteller bruddstykker av Def Jam Recordings-historien, og gir glimt av selskapet mens det gikk fra studentrom til styresammensetning til nesten hvert rom på jorden.Strengt begrenset til 750 enheter, vil det aldri bli presset på nytt. Eie dette stykket av Def Jam Recording-historien nå. |
A story told through five albums, featuring rappers who contributed to the Def Jam Recordings story in ways small and big.
The goal with this box was not to try to capture the full scope of Def Jam Recordings 40 years; hip-hop has evolved something like ten times during the label’s lifetime. Instead, we wanted to focus on albums that captured snapshots of the label through its upheavals, high points, and transitions. It covers the label’s emergence from its NYC-centric boom-bap heyday with some of its earliest stars (EPMD and Public Enemy). It continues with the label turning its eyes southward (Scarface) while launching the best New York rapper of this century (Cam’ron), ending with the label’s best young MC on top of his game (Vince Staples).
VMP Anthology goes beyond the five albums included in your box. Alongside your box and the albums within it, we provide in-depth, original Listening Notes. Featuring an introduction by Jeff Weiss and contributions from Jaelani Turner-Williams, Michael Penn II, and Dylan Green, the booklet will serve as a guide through these albums. VMP Anthology isn’t just a box set that’s supposed to gather dust on your shelves — it’s an immersive and transformative story that comes alive for you to spend weeks (or longer!) inside of. We can’t wait for you to dive deeper into Def Jam Recordings’ history and the albums in this box.
Lakker til alle album ble kuttet fra de høyeste kvalitet digitale kilder tilgjengelig av Cicely Balston hos Alchemy Mastering.
Få hele historien om Def Jam Recordings gjennom vårt Lytte-notater hefte. Hefte i boksen din dekker historien om Def Jam Recordings fra starten til den moderne æra gjennom en liste av fire musikkforfattere.
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