COMING SOON: T. Rex by T. Rex will be the juni 2024
Rock Record of the Month.
You're on the interest list and will be notified when it becomes available.Sign up to be notified
by email when this album launches.
Waarom je het geweldig zult vinden...
This album, a pair of gorgeous, androgynous longhairs with incredible cheekbones on its cover, showed up first. Its songs talked of girls with jewels on their lips riding zebras and a chance encounter with a wizard. The sound was a strange brew concocted from different strains of earlier rock ’n’ roll: some folk, some rock, and an undeniable debt to Eddie Cochran. Marc Bolan’s music, persona, and look were strange, beautiful, and whimsical enough that if you tried to explain his massive popularity to somebody born after the century Bolan lived in, for just shy of 30 years, it would probably sound like a story from eons ago. We know glam came after T. Rex, but it’s also just a skip to the Sex Pistols, Ramones, and more punk from there; it’s also not far from the “post” sounds that came o...
De beste manier om nieuwe favorieten te ontdekken en je vinylcollectie uit te breiden. Ontvang elke maand een exclusief record bezorgd; annuleer op elk moment.
Your add-on subscription will begin next month. You can add this track and immediately
select something specific, or you can sit back, relax, and we'll select something for you.
Add-On Tracks are billed $39 per month and you can remove them any time.
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Verbonden houden en besparen. Of, kies Maandelijks voor geen verplichtingen. We vernieuwen je lidmaatschap nooit zonder je eerst te contacteren. Je kunt je Track veranderen of je toekomstige maandelijkse records ruilen.
Choose Your Track(s)
Change Tracks or Swap records each month - cancel anytime.
Choose as many Tracks as you’d like. Your 1st selection is your primary subscription,
and the others will be monthly add-ons.
Jazz, Blues, Funk and Soul
Heruitgaven van klassieke Jazz, Blues, Funk en Soul albums zoals ze oorspronkelijk bedoeld waren om te horen.
Deze platen, ongeacht hun genre, horen in elke platenverzameling
Elke tijdsperiode, beweging, regio, stijl of land is inbegrepen terwijl we licht werpen op opkomende talenten en de bouwstenen van het genre opnieuw leven inblazen.
From het begin van Country in de Dust Bowl tot de poppyere momenten van vandaag, nemen we je mee op een tour door alle tijdperken en stijlen van een van de oudste muziekstijlen
Van Little Richard tot Heavy Metal, van Classic Rock tot '90s alternatieve muziek en nog veel meer
Select your primary Track's term length
Order Summary
$${chargebee.selectedPlan.plan.price / 100}
You can update your preferences or cancel at any time.
Shipping begins in April. Sign up today to secure your spot on this once-in-a-lifetime musical
journey. Start your subscription with "${chargebee.selectedPlan.product.title}".
Start your subscription with "${chargebee.selectedPlan.product.title}".
Select a Location
Kies een termijn
Available in Limited Engagements of 3, 6, or 12 month terms. Commit longer to save. This Limited
Subscription Track will end after 12 months and you will no longer be charged.
This Limited Subscription Track will end in March 2024 and you will no longer be charged. Commit
longer and save. Start with this month's Dolly Parton Record, with the option to include catch-up
records from the previous months upon signup.
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