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Shlohmo ビニールレコードとディスコグラフィー

トップ Shlohmo ヴィニール ピック — 現在VMPで入手可能

Bad Vibes

From the first glimpses of Henry Laufer's work as Shlohmo, it was clear that the LA native and visual artist turned self-taught musician was onto something. With an effortless grasp on sound design, Laufer combines deceptively simple and emotive melodies, subtle bass drops and swinging slow motion drums. His early work has placed him at the forefront of a new wave of rising talent amongst West Coast producers.

Inspired by the desire to write songs and create a release of full-range instrumentation and vocals all his own, Laufer promptly began home-recording Bad Vibes, his proper full-length debut album for the Friends of Friends label. Some might say the songs on Bad Vibes represent the spawn of a new "rhythm and blues" – one that swings and sways under the backbone of Henry's own take on modern electronic music. Augmented with delicate slide guitar playing, homemade synth sounds and lilting, tuneful melodies, Shlohmo's latest output is one that will take you places – specifically the un-paralleled vibes swirling through this young man's head.

$33 $28

Shlohmo 伝記

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2024年現在、Shlohmoは音楽業界での関連性を維持しており、ファンや批評家に響く新しいリリースでその遺産を強化しています。彼の最近のEP、Heaven Inc.は、彼のサウンドの洗練された進化を示しており、実験的な試みや音の境界を押し広げる才能を際立たせています。音楽を超えて、彼はLA音楽シーンでの共同プロジェクトやメンターシップにも携わり、新たな才能を育成することに対してのコミットメントを強調しています。



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