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Hijau ke Emas

The Antlers
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Conceived and written almost entirely in the morning hours, Green to Gold is the Antlers' most luminous music to date. “I think this is the first album I’ve made that has no eeriness in it,” singer and primary songwriter Peter Silberman asserted. “I set out to make Sunday morning music.”

Unlike other Antlers albums, Silberman didn’t feel compelled to turn a human experience into a circuitous mythology. He chose a more direct approach: documenting two years in his life, without overthinking or obscuring what the songs were about. “Most of the songs on Green to Gold are culled from conversations with my friends and my partner. It’s less ambiguous about who’s speaking and who’s listening,” said Silberman.

But the biggest difference between Green to Gold

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Hijau ke Emas

The Antlers

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