VMP Exclusive Pressing
Essentials PICK

VOL № E111 — March 2022

Selector Series Pick

Barat yang Sepi dan Ramai

Modest Mouse
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“What really stands out about The Lonesome Crowded West is this journey it takes you on. Less like a concept album and more like a road trip soundtrack. It meanders between feelings of grinding teeth and soothing calm, love and heartache, hope and despair, with the mood and emotion shifting like tumbleweeds on a gusty day. The words really make you think, with riddle-like complexity at times. 
There’s an endearing honesty and authenticity inherent to this album that doesn’t exist in a lot of popular music. It’s similar to a piece of beautiful framed art, sculpture or metalwork that is obviously handmade, due to the fact that it exhibits noticeable imperfections. Perfectly imperfect: The Lonesome Crowded West.”

Tahun Rilis Asli
Jenis Rilis
2 LP
33 1/3 rpm
Ukuran vinil
12 inci
Ditempel Stempel Foil
Bottom of the Sky
Studio Mastering
Chicago Mastering Service
Engine Mastering
Bob Weston
Lokasi Penekanan
GZ Vinyl
Rincian Remastering
Lacquers Cut by Bob Weston, Chicago Mastering Service
Art Print by Violet Aveline, Listening Notes Booklet by Scott Swayze
Join The Club Background Image
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