VMP Exclusive Pressing
Hip-Hop PICK

VOL № RH076 — December 2023

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Masta Killa
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Wu-Tang Clan’s Masta Killa, who had been tinkering with his first solo record since the ’90s, unabashedly embraced the sounds of Wu on his debut. In the early 2000s, New York City-based gangsta rap took RZA’s style to almost cartoonish, exaggerated heights. In a way, No Said Date is a response to that: taking those shiny commercialized elements down to a more grounded level. RZA served as executive producer and more than half of the songs were produced by him or those under the Wu-Tang family tree: Allah Mathematics and True Master.

And while some of the classic ’90s Wu debuts were often epics with these great cinematic themes, No Said Date is an intimate, often lowkey tribute to Masta Killa’s childhood growing up in Brooklyn in the ’70s and ’80s — with the majo...

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Nature Sounds
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Jenis Rilis
Edisi ulang
2 LP
33 1/3 rpm
Ukuran vinil
12 inci
Ditempel Stempel Foil
Red Splatter
Direct-To-Board; Widespine
Studio Mastering
AIR Mastering
Engine Mastering
Barry Grint
Lokasi Penekanan
GZ Vinyl
Rincian Remastering
Lacquers Cut by Barry Grint, AIR Mastering
Listening Notes by Dimas Sanfiorenzo
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