VMP Exclusive Pressing
Hip-Hop PICK

VOL № RH084 — August 2024

Rehabilitasi Besar Doe

Ghostface Killah
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Released in December 2007, The Big Doe Rehab was a technical commercial success at the time, but it endures spiritually as an essential title in [Ghostface Killah's] own expansive, 13-album discography, let alone his larger body of work with other artists. While every Wu member’s solo project inevitably serves as a stage for the Clan, with The Big Doe Rehab, the spotlight never leaves Ghostface Killah in the dark, even with so many other big-name players entering and exiting — a level of artistry that could only be achieved by one of hip-hop’s top dart spitters.

Def Jam
Tahun Rilis Asli
Jenis Rilis
Edisi ulang
33 1/3 rpm
Ukuran vinil
12 inci
Ditempel Stempel Foil
LP1 Purple / LP2 Red
Langsung ke papan; Double Gatefold
Studio Mastering
AIR Mastering
Engine Mastering
Cicely Balston
Lokasi Penekanan
GZ vinil
Rincian Remastering
Lacquers Cut by Cicely Balston, AIR Mastering
Listening Notes Booklet by JayQuan
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