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Arlo McKinley
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Arlo McKinley's This Mess We're In is the country singer-songwriter's newest release on John Prine's label Oh Boy Records and his sophomore album on the label. McKinley was the last artist to be signed to the label by Prine and his son, Jody Whelan. This Mess We're In follows the 2020 Die Midwestern, which drew from the sounds of street soul, country, punk and gospel. The album also follows major events in McKinley's lives, from the passing of his mother and best friend, and more. It represents the ability to find comfort, hope and love after loss. The record is produced by Matt Ross-Spang (Margo Price, Jason Isbell, St. Paul & The Broken Bones) and features a band of Ken Coomer (drums), Will Sexton (guitar) and Rick Steff (keyboards), along with stri...

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