Hip-Hop PICK

VOL № RH062 — October 2022

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“Blu’s 'Her Favorite Colo(u)r' hits harder than it did on its initial 2009 leaked-to-streaming run or its official, somewhat-remastered first physical release two years later. We’re more used to noise in hip-hop, more accustomed to pendulum-swinging inner conflicts between invincibility and unease, even more forgiving of those times when artists put out a potentially alienating experiment or two for every crowd-pleaser. It’s an untraditional album that blurs the lines between pop culture references as familiar touchstones and the specificity of a film or a record that speaks to an artist’s own impossible-to-duplicate experience, a run-on sensory-overload experience that could feel mysteriously impressionistic and painfully specific all at once.”
Fat Beats
Tahun Rilis Asli
Jenis Rilis
Penerbitan Ulang
1 LP
33 1/3 rpm
Ukuran vinil
12 inch
180 gram
Ditempel Stempel Foil
Studio Mastering
Alchemy Mastering at AIR
Engine Mastering
Cicely Blaston
Lokasi Penekanan
GZ Vinyl
Rincian Remastering
Lacquers Cut by Cicely Balston, Alchemy Mastering at AIR
Listening Notes Booklet by Nate Patrin
Join The Club Background Image
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