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Punk in Drublic

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So we wanted to go back in to Westbeach with Donnell, but it turns out now he's in rehab, and obviously is in no shape to record us. So Mr. Brett tells me to call his friend Ryan Greene. So I call Ryan and he records what is probably our best record. It turns out Ryan has really long hair and knows a lot of metal bands, but he's pretty cool anyway. We record at Westbeach, but mix at EMI. This record takes about 3 weeks, which is about as long as we've ever spent on any record. We had a bunch of weird people come in to play steel drums and flaminco guitar and stuff. We covered a Mark Curry song too, which a lot of people don't know. (''Perfect Government'') . This record turned out to be our best selling record. Without any radio or video play...

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