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Top Hovvdy Vinyl Pick — Tersedia Sekarang di VMP

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Charlie Martin and Will Taylor’s paths first crossed at a baseball game while they were drummers for other bands. The two connected through their shared interests and most importantly, their shared vision for music. True Love is the duo’s first album via the Grand Jury imprint and arrives as the fourth album under their belt. Aptly titled, the LP touches on the range of love the two have each experienced throughout their lives, from romantic to platonic and familial. The duo shared, “This collection of songs feels to us like a return to form, writing and recording songs for ourselves and loved ones. Spending less energy consumed with how people may respond freed us up to put our efforts into creating an honest, heartfelt album.” True Love captures a folksy, poignant tune. Hearts are worn throughout the album, as both Martin and Taylor channel their soft, brisk melodies that replicate the range of emotions shared by all. Taylor added, “It’s about resiliency and appreciating the little moments, even when the big picture can be daunting. I’m proud of how we let the songs and the feeling of the record do the work for us. Even in somber moments, the joy behind the music is noticeable, and that’s what makes it special to me.”
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Hovvdy's Current Status and Legacy in the Music Industry

Mulai tahun 2024, Hovvdy siap untuk meraih pencapaian baru dengan album berjudul sama yang dijadwalkan rilis pada 26 April 2024. Dengan suara yang selalu berkembang dan konser yang memukau, duo ini terus berkembang di dalam scene musik indie. Komitmen mereka terhadap kualitas dan keterhubungan tidak luput dari perhatian, yang mengarah pada pengakuan melalui berbagai penghargaan dan penggemar yang setia.

Pengaruh Hovvdy bergema di berbagai generasi musisi dan penggemar. Kontribusi mereka terhadap budaya vinyl memastikan bahwa mereka tetap menjadi bagian integral dari dialog yang terus berlanjut tentang evolusi musik. Saat para artis berbakat ini menciptakan dan memperhalus warisan mereka, mereka mendefinisikan ulang apa artinya terhubung melalui musik, menegaskan tempat mereka dalam sejarah musik.

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