Alicia Keysin päiväkirja

Alicia Keys
Kokonaismäärä painettu: 2000

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$2 of every purchase will be donated to Keep a Child Alive

It's hard to overstate now, in 2020, just how massive Alicia Keys was in 2003; she crawled so Adele could walk, in that she was a crossover to every conceivable audience. Your mom loved her, you loved her, your grandma loved her, your cool cousin loved her, your teachers loved her; no one didn't ride hard for Alicia and even if they didn't, they had to admit "You Don't Know My Name" GOES. This album won Grammys, and stayed on the charts for 88 straight weeks, and lived up to all the pressure that was placed on Alicia when her debut sold millions and won four Grammys, no small feat. This vinyl reissue is a perfect reason to celebrate this record, one that you haven't thought enough about in the years since it came out.

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