„For en musiker er $20.000 et betydeligt beløb. Hvad du skal huske er, at i det første år af Polaris følte mange i fællesskabet sig lidt skeptiske. Vi tænkte: 'Hvad er dette for noget? Vil vi være involveret i denne mærkelige konkurrencestruktur?' Men da jeg vandt, var det ikke engang en stor ting; jeg husker, at det blev omtalt i et lille stykke i 'Globe & Mail', hvor de kaldte mig en elektronisk kunstner,” siger Pallett, som nu er 37.
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and the others will be monthly add-ons.
Jazz, Blues, Funk and Soul
The best Soul, Blues & Jazz
Must-haves across genres & eras
From old school to Soundcloud
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$${chargebee.selectedPlan.plan.price / 100}
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Shipping begins in April. Sign up today to secure your spot on this once-in-a-lifetime musical
journey. Start your subscription with "${chargebee.selectedPlan.product.title}".
Start your subscription with "${chargebee.selectedPlan.product.title}".
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Available in Limited Engagements of 3, 6, or 12 month terms. Commit longer to save. This Limited
Subscription Track will end after 12 months and you will no longer be charged.
This Limited Subscription Track will end in March 2024 and you will no longer be charged. Commit
longer and save. Start with this month's Dolly Parton Record, with the option to include catch-up
records from the previous months upon signup.
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