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Floyd Dixon Vinyl Records & Discography

Top Vinyl Pick — Available Now at VMP


Remi Wolfs debutalbum Juno, oppkalt etter hunden hun adopterte, ble skrevet og innspilt midt under pandemien. På nettsiden sin delte hun: "Hver sang på denne platen er et levende øyeblikksbilde av hva som skjedde i livet mitt og sinnstilstanden min den dagen jeg skrev hver låt." Albumet er en eksplosjon av sjangre som viser Wolfs Gen Z pop og eksperimentelle sensibiliteter.

Begrenset til 2.000 eksemplarer, er VMPs eksklusive utgave av Remi Wolfs Juno presset på 1LP gul vinyl hos Furnace Record Pressing. Albumet vil ankomme i en enkelt, direktetrykt, foliestemplet og nummerert cover.

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Floyd Dixon Biography

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Floyd Dixon's Current Status and Legacy in the Music Industry

As of 2024, Floyd Dixon's influence endures through a renewed appreciation for his music, with recent releases including "Mr. Magnificent," set to hit vinyl shelves on April 12, 2024. His works continue to inspire a new generation of artists, showcasing the timeless relevance of jump blues and R&B. Dixon has received numerous accolades, including the prestigious Pioneer Award from the Rhythm and Blues Foundation. His legacy is enshrined in vinyl culture, where collectors treasure his albums not just for their sound but also for the story they tell, ensuring that Floyd Dixon's rich contributions to music will never be forgotten.

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